GroTech Hemp

GroTech is the premier source for organic hemp ingredients including hemp seeds, CBD oil, and versatile hemp fiber. Our picturesque 300 acre farm in beautiful Oakfield, Maine utilizes only the best strains and advanced farming techniques to cultivate the best hemp products on the market today.

What We Do

GroTech Hemp was founded with the belief that products created from the hemp plant have an incredible positive impact on health and wellness. We believe that in many cases, these natural compounds can successfully replace dangerous pharmaceuticals that are increasingly prescribed to so many patients. Our goal is to provide top quality products from the best hemp strains available and improve people's lives by eliminating narcotics and fostering better health for all.

Organic Hemp Cultivation

(CBD Oil)

Advanced Agricultural Technology

Premium Custom Strains


Kevin Martin

Personal Trainer and Health Coach
"I was admittedly skeptical of CBD Oil at first. However, after 3 months, I am a believer. I've experienced huge improvements in overall focus and a noticeable decrease with my anxiety. My only complaint is I didn't know about it sooner."

Keenan Walker

"I learned about CBD from a co-worker earlier this year. Since then, I have eliminated prescription anxiety medication and honestly just feel happier overall."

Jennifer Dickson

"CBD Oil has been a life changer. I tell every person I can about it. 100% would recommend."

Alison Ellis

"Why did nobody tell me about this ten years ago? It is incredible how quickly I noticed it working. My friends immediately noticed a change in my social anxiety."

Want to learn more?

Sharing the many health benefits of hemp products is the foundation of our culture. Our amazing team has personally curated resources to help guide your research. We have collected everything from scholarly research to a YouTube video of someone so excited they wanted to share it with the world. We are one of those excited customers and that's why we started this company. We are incredibly passionate about our product and sharing this gift is what drives us.
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GroTech Hemp